Course Descriptions

KOR631 한국현대문학이론연구(Studies in Modern Theories of Korean Literature)

To understand and analyze a work of literature, one must be aware of a diverse body of literary theory. In this course, students will acquire the literary theories they need to appreciate and analyze a work of Korean literature and be given many opportunities to analyze literary works with what they have learned. Students will reorganize and assess the characteristics/implications of such theories and explore theoretical frameworks for understanding works of modern literature.

KOR632 한국현대문학사연구(Studies in History of Modern Literature)

This course offers a summary overview of studies on the origins of modern Korean literature. Students will gain an understanding of the starting point of modern literature and learn about the history of literature from that point until the present. By studying the circumstances both inside and outside the literary history, exploring literary issues, and activities of major novelists and poets throughout the history of modern Korean literature, students will gain a diachronic and synchronic overview of the history of modern Korean literature.

KOR634 비교문학연구(Studies in Comparative Literature)

Comparative literature is a means of studying a work of literature based on its relationship of influence with a Korean or foreign novelist/poet or literary tendency. Students will learn the characteristics and methodologies of comparative literature research and explore its academic significance. Since the early 20th century, Korean literature has been significantly influenced by Western and Japanese literature. Based on this understanding, students will search for foreign literary works or authors that have impacted Korean literature and conduct comparative analyses on the similarities and differences between works of Korean literature and foreign works.

KOR637 한국현대문학특강(Topics in Modern Korean Literature)

This course provides an overview of the characteristics of modern Korean literature to deepen students’ understanding of Korean culture so that they can more easily familiarize themselves with Korean literature and gain an idea of how to teach the latter. Through this course, students will learn about the overall flow and traits of Korean literature. Through analyses of major works, they will gain a better understanding of Korean literature’s sub-genres.

KOR638 한국현대문화비평(Korean Contemporary Culture Criticism)

This course seeks to understand and analyze contemporary Korean society and the life of Koreans from the perspective of cultural theory. Students will gain a multi-faceted understanding of contemporary culture through literary works and diverse visual materials and use this knowledge as the basis for their future teaching of Korean culture. Contemporary Korean culture will be analyzed through several works that are vital for understanding its characteristics. By collecting and analyzing their own materials, students will gain a concrete understanding of the complexities of cultural criticism.

KOR647 한국드라마연구(Studies in Korean Drama)

This course will, with a focus on several representative Korean dramas, explore the current status of TV drama content and its plots, narrative structure, and popularity as well as the interests/consciousness of the fans of these TV dramas. This course will also go over the limitations of today’s dramas and come up with a new direction for drama content.

KOR641 현대시론연구(Studies in Theories of Modern Korean Poetry)

This course reviews the theories needed to appreciate and write modern poetry. Students will use this knowledge to read and analyze poems. By creating a temporal outline of theories on several representative Korean poems, students will learn how the perception of these poems has changed over the years.

KOR642 한국현대시작품연구(Studies in Modern Korean Poetry)

Students will gain a better understanding of modern Korean poetry by studying the representative works of Korean poetry of each era. Students will study not only the poems themselves but also the literary theories linked to them and how they influenced writers’ communities at the time. Through these activities, students will become better able to appreciate works of modern Korean poetry.

KOR643 현대시인연구(Studies in Modern Korean Poets)

This course provides a sweeping overview of Korean poetry from the turn of the 20th century to the present day. Students will study the literary characteristics and creative world of several representative modern Korean poets. By learning about the eras of these poets and how their works were affected by the times in which they lived, students will study the implications of these poems by comparing them with the works of other poets. Students will study the personal and social experiences that affected the poets’ creative activities and how they feature in their writings.

KOR644 현대시사연구(History of Modern Poetry)

This course surveys the history of Korean poetry from the early 20th century until the present. Students will learn the psychosocial aspect of the process through which modern Korean poetry came into being as well as how poems were written as a response to social phenomena (per era) and the relationships of influence that shaped them. They will also study the close relationship between Korean poems and the Western (and Eastern) poems that influenced them, thereby gaining a deeper understanding of the development of Korean poetry.

KOR645 한국전후시연구(Korean Post War Poetry)

This course explores the relationships of influence among several representative modern Korean poets. After analyzing the poems of these writers through the lens of historical circumstances, students will then compare such works with the poetic trends of other poems to ascertain their literary implications. Comparative analyses will also be done of the poets and the tendencies of their writings.

KOR651 현대소설론연구(Studies in Theories of Modern Novels)

This course studies the theoretical frameworks for explaining modern Korean novels. After reviewing the theories needed to appreciate modern novels, students will try their hand at reading and analyzing novels using these theories. By creating a temporal outline of theories on key modern Korean novels, students will learn how the perception of these novels has changed over the years.

KOR652 현대소설사론(Theories of Modern Novels)

To give students a proper understanding of the history of the modern Korean novel, this course will categorize Korean novels from 1905-1910 until the present day from an evolutionary standpoint, based on which students will engage in in-depth discussion and debate. Students will also learn about the psychosocial background behind the birth of the modern Korean novel as well as how novels were written as a response to social phenomena (per era) and the relationships of influence that shaped them.

KOR653 현대문학연습(Seminar in Modern Literature)

Based on a basic understanding of modern literature, students will study poems, novels, critical reviews, plays, and essays and those who wrote them. They will also learn the theories that are needed to read a work of literature and carefully read representative works from several genres to gain the skills needed to conduct literary research.

KOR654 분단문학연구(Studies in North Korean Literature)

This course explores the status of North Korean literature after the separation of South and North Korea in 1945. Students will study the relationship between literary works and socialist literary analysis theory and how both of these were influenced by North Korean politics. They will also gain a balanced understanding of Korean literary history by comparing the ways in which North and South Korea each interpret poets and novelists from the Japanese colonial period. Students will gain the ability to make balanced assessments of North-South literary history through in-depth comparisons and analyses of the history of literature of both Koreas.

KOR655 해방후현대소설연구(Studies in Modern Korean Novels)

This course is based on in-depth discussions of themes from post-1945 Korean novels to give students a better understanding of such novels as well as relevant research skills. Students will carry out thematic or writer-based studies on novels written from 1945 until the 1980s.

KOR656 한국현대소설작품연구(Studies in Modern Korean Novels)

This course explores the structural and aesthetic characteristics of modern Korean novels through in-depth analyses. By studying novels by era/decade, students gain a better overall understanding of modern Korean novels. They will study not only the novels themselves but also the literary theories linked to them and how they influenced writers’ communities at the time. Through these activities, students will become better able to appreciate modern Korean novels.

KOR657 현대작가연구(Studies in Modern Korean Writers)

Students of this course will study the personal and social experiences that affected the creative activities of some of Korea’s most representative modern novelists and how they feature in their writings. By learning about the eras of these poets and how their works were affected by the times in which they lives, students will study the implications of these poems by also comparing them with the works of other poets.

KOR661 고전문학배경연구(Studies in the Background of Classical Korean Literature)

In this course, students will study the historical, sociocultural, geographical, philosophical, and religious backgrounds of classical Korean literature through various literary works and/or their writers. They will carry out in-depth research on the background of classical literature through comparisons of the Korean background with those of China, Japan, and Vietnam.

KOR662 고전문학연구방법론(Methods in Classical Korean Literature)

To conduct systematic research on classical literature, students of this course will choose writers and works from multiple classical genres and study the methodologies needed to analyze them. They will learn several methodologies, including structuralism, literary sociology, psychology, pragmatism, and typology.

KOR685 고전문학작가연구(Studies in Classical Korean Writers)

Students of this course will study the personal and social experiences that affected the creative activities of some of Korea’s most representative classical writers and how they feature in their writings. By learning about the eras of these writers and how their works were affected by the times in which they lived, students will study the historical implications of these novels by also comparing them with the works of other writers.

KOR665 한국고전문학사상연구(Studies in Classical Korean Literary Thoughts)

This course systematically explores the major literary schools of thought that have dominated classical Korean literature. Students will study the similarities and differences between the schools of thought and the process by which Korean literary thought developed over the centuries. They will also study the relationships between classical literary thought and literary works through themes including: Korea’s view of China and Chinese culture, philosophy on Korean culture, perceptions of Korean cultural customs, and perceptions of social class. Students will also learn about the points at which classical and modern literary theories intersect and are manifested.

KOR664 고전문학원전연구(Studies in Classical Korean Literary Texts)

This course focuses on philological approaches to (original) classical literary texts to build a foundation for empirical research on classical Korean literature. Students will use the philological approach as the basis for creating detailed footnotes for classical texts, comparing and contrasting different editions, and translating classical texts into modern Korean texts.

KOR671 한국고전작가연구(Studies in Medieval Korean Writers)

Students of this course will study the personal and social experiences that affected the creative activities of some of Korea’s most representative medieval writers and how they feature in their writings. By learning about the eras of these writers and how their works were affected by the times in which they lived, students will study the historical implications of these novels by also comparing them with the works of other writers.

KOR674 한국고전시가작품연구(Studies in Classical Korean Poetry)

This course is based on in-depth discussions on the meanings and modern-day implications of masterpieces of classical poetry. The works discussed in this course were selected from diverse genres (e.g., ancient siga, hyangga, Goryeo sokyo, sijo, gasa, and japga) for their thought-provoking portrayal of life and values of ancient Koreans as well as their validity for modern audiences.

KOR681 한국고전소설연구(Studies in Classical Korean Novels)


KOR671 한국고전작가연구(Studies in Medieval Korean Writers)

This course focuses on the theoretical structures that are used to explain classical Korean novels. By arranging reactions to novels (support vs. dissent) by era, it shows how bodies of thought on a particular novel evolved over time. The course also studies the classical Korean novel’s origin, history, literary structure, themes, and relationships with ancient legends and modern novels.

KOR682 한국구비문학연구(Studies in Korean Oral Literature)

This course covers the formats of oral Korean literature (seolhwa (legends), minyo (folk songs), Shamanic songs, etc.) that survived over many years as well as their structural characteristics and aesthetic principles. It also makes in-depth comparisons and contrasts of the oral literature of Korea and other Eastern (as well as Western) countries and explores the differences between oral and written literature. The course also looks at formats of oral literature that have been adopted by modern society.

KOR683 판소리연구(Studies in Pansori)

This course provides an overview of the origin, historical development, schools, structures, meanings of individual works, and aesthetic principles of pansori. It will explore the characteristics of the five surviving pansori works, pansori whose melodies were lost over time, and pansori novels, and the popularity of pansori today as seen in how it is passed down from one singer to the next.

KOR684 한국고전수필연구(Studies in Classical Korean Prose)

This course studies the literary characteristics of classical Korean prose (essays), including its scope and sub-genres, as well as the literary world of individual works, writer consciousness, and social circumstances of the era in which a particular work was published. In particular, it explores the relationship between classical prose and novels and the conversion of classical prose into modern writings.

KOR672 시조, 가사연구(Studies in Sijo and Gasa)

This course covers the formats, themes, ideological backgrounds, writer characteristics, aesthetic value, and socio-cultural backgrounds of several works of sijo and gasa. It conducts an in-depth exploration of the history of both genres as well as the modern-day application of sijo and the conversion of gasa into novels.

KOR673 향가, 여요연구(Studies in Hyangga and Ryeyo)

This course covers the structural characteristics, themes, aesthetic value, and socio-cultural backgrounds of several select works of hyangga and Goryeo gayo. It will also take a close look at new hyangga research methodologies that have been born from the linking of hyangga with documentary resources as well as contemporary interpretations/versions of hyangga and Goryeo gayo.

KOR666 고전비평연구(Studies in Korean Classical Criticism)

This course covers the historical and theoretical characteristics of literary criticism in Korea in the pre-modern age. Appreciating and critiquing classical works must be preceded by an understanding of the standards by which writers at the time assessed works. Therefore, students will learn the concepts and principles of classical literary criticism and the standards employed by these theories in analyzing works of literature. They will also choose classical literary works to critique using pre-modern methods.

KOR601 대조언어학(Comparative Linguistics)

Korean linguistics is an academic discipline exclusively devoted to the Korean language, or a form of “individual linguistics.” The research methodologies used for individual linguistics, of course, are not completely separate from those employed for synchronic linguistics. Students will thus learn how synchronic methodologies have been applied to various areas of linguistics (phonology, grammar, vocabulary, meaning, etc.) and how they can be applied in the future. Ultimately, this course aims to pioneer new methodologies.

KOR602 국어학연습(Seminar in Korean Linguistics)

This course highlights issues in various sub-categories of Korean linguistics and aims to resolve them over the semester. Korean linguistics is an academic discipline that is replete with unsolved problems. Students will learn exactly why certain issues remain unresolved and look for ways in which they can be resolved in the present day.

KOR603 한국어사연구(Studies in History of Korean Language)

Language is constantly changing. New words are created, while words that were actively used in the past go extinct. In some cases, the word stays the same, while the meaning changes. Vowels and consonants that were pronounced in the past are no longer pronounced or vice versa. This course aims to show students, on a concrete level, how the Korean language has changed over time—which is organized into what is known today as the history of the Korean language.

KOR604 현대한국어연구(Studies in Modern Korean)

This course, from a diachronic perspective, conducts a comprehensive exploration of how features of contemporary Korean (phonology, grammar, vocabulary, meaning, etc.) differ from their Middle and modern Korean counterparts. Students are encouraged to take an interest in how language evolves today and cultivate the ability to observe and explain their observations of linguistic phenomena.

KOR605 중세국어연구(Studies in Middle Korean)

This course is a survey of Middle Korean from the promulgation of Hunminjeongeum to the 16th century. Students will gain a better understanding of the Korean language through a research-based theoretical approach and readings of documents created during this period.

KOR606 근대국어연구(Studies in Pre-Modern Korean)

This course aims to provide a survey of modern Korean from the 17th through 19th centuries. Students will gain a better understanding of the Korean language through a research-based theoretical approach and readings of documents created during this period. Studying Korean from this period is a great way to understand contemporary Korean due to its role as a bridge between Middle and contemporary Korean.

KOR607 고대국어연구(Studies in Old Korean)

This course provides an overview of Old Korean, from prehistoric times until the Unified Silla Dynasty. Students will gain a better understanding of the Korean language through a research-based theoretical approach and readings of documents created during this period. The course also encourages students to explore the roots of Korean by comparing Old Korean with other Ural-Altaic language families.

KOR611 한국어어휘교육론(Studies in Korean Vocabulary Education)

Students of this course will learn the basic concepts of Korean lexicology and the place occupied by the study of vocabulary in Korean linguistics. They will learn methods of categorizing Korean vocabulary, relationships among lexemes, and diachronic changes in vocabulary to gain a strong grasp of the basics of lexicography.

KOR612 한국어문법교육론(Studies in Korean Grammar Education)

This course focuses on issues related to sentence formation, which is a sub-category of Korean syntax. Students will learn about current issues related to the basics of sentence formation, creation of basic sentence patterns, how to organize sentence elements, characteristics of word order, and use of conjunctions.

KOR618 한국어의미론연구(Studies in Korean Semantics)

Students of this course will study the characteristics of sub-categories of Korean semantics (vocabulary semantics, sentence semantics, and pragmatics (discourse semantics)) and the main concepts of semantic theory, including component analysis, semantic fields, semantic relationships, premise, implication, and connotation. They will also study domestic and foreign semantic theories and apply them to their own research.

KOR615 한국어통사론연구(Studies in Korean Syntax)

This course will cover some of the major themes of Korean syntax (sentence components, word order, case, causative/passive voice, tense, adverbs, honorific tense, etc.), about which students will read the latest academic studies and learn key current issues. Students will also use what they have learned to write articles on their own arguments regarding syntax.

KOR616 변형생성연구(Studies in Transformational Generative Grammar)

This course will explore the transformational generative theory, which was coined by Noam Chomsky, the most important linguist of the 20th century. Students will learn the major concepts of Chomsky grammar (language execution/ability, universal grammar vs. individual grammar, surface vs. in-depth structure, etc.) and the explanative method of transformational generative grammar, which is based on the principles of transformation, domination, and cohesion. Students will then apply what they have learned to research the Korean language, through which they will analyze the utility and validity of Chomsky’s theory.

KOR621 한국어음운론연구(Studies in Korean Phonology)

This course takes a synchronic view of the structure of and changes in the sounds of the Korean language. Because there is only a very limited number of phonemes, the smallest unit of study of phonology, it is important to take a precise approach. Students will learn the features of Korean that create distinctions in meaning, the phonological system of Korean, and the formats created by the combination of such systems.

KOR622 사회언어학연구(Studies in Sociolinguistics)

Language, even one used by most people in a country, is never homogeneous. It is used very differently (or with minimal differences) across regions or social classes. The purpose of this course is to explore such differences in language, which are known as dialects.

KOR691 한국어교육론(Studies in Korean Language Education)

This course studies how various aspects of the Korean language should be taught, including pedagogical theories on Korean pronunciation, Korean grammar, and Korean vocabulary. Through this course, students will gain the theoretical and practical knowledge on Korean language education they will need to become capable Korean language instructors for foreign students. This course will be based on theories of Korean linguistics and give students the skills necessary to apply these theories in the field.

KOR697 한국어규범론연구(Studies in Korean Language Norm)

This course explores the Korean language norms that must be taught to foreign learners. Students will study the four main language norms (Hangeul spelling, definition of standard Korean, how to spell foreign words in Korean, and how to spell Korean words in English) as well as speech standards.

KOR693 언어습득론(Studies in Language Acquisition for Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language)

This course offers a theoretical background for the teaching and acquisition of the Korean language. Students will learn theories on foreign language acquisition and their implications for Korean language education.

KOR694 한국어발음교육론(Teaching Pronunciation in Korean as a Foreign Language)

Students of this course will study the characteristics of Korean pronunciation and acquire knowledge on how to pronounce Korean words accurately. They will also come up with strategies for effectively teaching proper pronunciation that can be used in an actual classroom setting.

KOR695 한국어표현교육론(Teaching Speaking and Writing in Korean as a Foreign Language)

In this course, students will learn the process by which Korean is expressed in speaking and writing and diverse theoretical backgrounds and pedagogical techniques for effective instruction on these topics.

KOR696 한국어이해교육론(Teaching Listening and Reading in Korean as a Foreign Language)

In this course, students will learn the process by which Korean is understood through listening and reading and study diverse theoretical backgrounds and pedagogical techniques for effective instruction on these topics.

KOR698 한국어문화교육론(Teaching Culture in Korean as a Foreign Language)

This course offers a survey of Korean literature, which is closely connected to Korean linguistics. Students will brainstorm ways to connect this knowledge to the teaching of Korean language classes. The course will also analyze representative aspects of Korean culture from diverse perspectives based on the latest trends in culture research.

KOR699 한국어문학교육론(Teaching Literature in Korean as a Foreign Language)

Students of this course will learn the characteristics of Korean literature and the theoretical knowledge and pedagogical techniques necessary to effectively teach such knowledge. They will also read representative examples of Korean literature to gain a more concrete understanding of the Korean psyche as well as linguistic features of the Korean language.

KOR6910 한국어교육과정및평가론(Curriculum and Assessment in Korean as a Foreign Language)

In this course, students will study the principles and components of a language curriculum, analyze existing curricula, and design their own Korean language curriculum. They will also study the basic principles and methods of language assessment and analyze and develop their own Korean language assessment test questions.

KOR6911 한국어교수학습론(Methodology for Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language)

Students of this course will study how Korean pedagogical techniques have changed over time according to the development of foreign language teaching and learning theories. They will also acquire teaching techniques that can be used effectively in the field as well as the ability to design a course curriculum based on the course’s educational goals.

KOR6912 한국어교재론(Materials in Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language)

In this course, students will analyze existing textbooks on teaching Korean as a foreign language and edit them (or design their own textbook) according to educational goals and principles on textbook composition.

KOR891 한국의현대문화(Study on Korean Modern Culture)

Students of this course will study modern Korean culture with the goal of applying it to course curricula for teaching Korean as a foreign language. This will allow students, based on the fact that modern Korean culture is changing, to broaden their knowledge of contemporary culture while also developing the skills to critique it. Students will also enhance their qualifications to be a Korean language instructor by gaining the ability to teach their own students what they have learned in this course.

KOR892 한국문학의이해(Understanding of Korean Literature)

This course provides a sweeping overview of Korean literature for the purpose of incorporating it into Korean language education. Students will gain an understanding of the history and defining traits of Korean literature and the ability to use this information to further explore the role of Korean literature in the realm of Korean language education.

KOR6913 한국어교육실습(Practicum in Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language)

By observing and practicing Korean language education, students will gain practical experience of the theoretical and practical knowledge they accumulated in the classroom. They will also discuss feasible pedagogical techniques and problems that emerge in a Korean language education setting.