Course Descriptions

KOR111 국어학개론 Introduction to Korean Linguistics

This course provides a basic overview of the characteristics of Korean linguistics and its fields (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, language genealogy, dialectology, history of Korean linguistics/writing system, etc.).

KOR122 한국고전문학강독 Reading on Korean Classical Literature

This course focuses on interpreting and understanding major works of Korean classical literature.

KOR151 문학감상과 비평 Literary Appreciation and Criticism

Students of this course will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge on literary criticism, allowing them to better appreciate literary works.

KOR103 한글과 국어생활 Hangeul and Korean Language in Daily Life

This course deals with practical knowledge of Korean and Hangeul. I Students will cultivate the basic knowledge to be equipped as a Korean language literature major in relation to the literal value, language regulations, and language policy of Hangeul.

KOR121 고전문학입문 Introduction to Classical Korean Literature

This course presents the concepts of classical literature and analyzes/explores the format and content of all genres that can be categorized under classical literature. Students will conduct an especially detailed study of the characteristics of classical literature to get a sense of Korean literature’s status among the literary traditions of the world.

KOR131 현대문학입문 Introduction to Modern Korean Literature

This introductory course on modern literature provides students with an understanding of the essence, origins, functions, and definition of literature. Students will also gain an in-depth understanding of various literary genres, including poetry, novels, plays, drama, scenarios, essays, etc.

KOR301 스토리텔링의 이해 Understanding of Storytelling

The art of storytelling is a key aspect of various genres, including not only narratives of oral literature and written records but also videos and computer games. Through a theoretical approach to storytelling, students will learn the basics of formulating a story and try writing their own.

KOR211 국어문법론 Korean Grammar

This course will have students study the syntactic characteristics of modern Korean with a focus on syntactic analytical methodologies (e.g., phrase structure grammar, transformational grammar).

KOR224 한국고전시가론 Study on Classical Korean Poetry

This course aims to provide an overview of the historical development of classical Korean poetry and its aesthetic traits. Through this course, students will conduct diachronic analyses of genres such as pre-Three Kingdoms Period songs, Hyangga, Goryeo Kayo, Sijo, Gasa, & etc. and gain an understanding of the aesthetic traits of the classical Korean poem.

KOR225 국문학사 History of Korean Literature

This course provides a diachronic understanding of literature from antiquity until the 19th century. Students will link their knowledge of changes in the socio-cultural norms of each era to various literary genres in order to gain a balanced understanding of how Korean literature as a whole has evolved.

KOR234 한국현대시작품론 Reading on Modern Korean Poetry

Students will read major works of modern Korean poetry and appreciate/analyze them using diverse techniques. They will also gain a broader view of modern poetry by reading works from multiple eras and appreciating them proactively.

KOR237 현대작가론 Study on Modern Korean Writers

This course offers a general overview of the writings of some of Korea’s most representative modern writers through an exploration of the personal experiences and events/situations specific to the eras in which such writers lived. Students will also learn how these extenuating circumstances affected the writers’ creations.

KOR311 국어음운론 Korean Phonology

Students of this course will study the traits, systems, and changes of Korean phonemes and explore the process by which Korean phonemes have changed over the years.

KOR203 디지털 시대의 언어 The Language of the Digital Era

This course aims to give students an understanding of the language of digital mediums from the perspective of semiotics and the history of media. It will use linguistic methodologies to analyze the linguistic phenomena of digital media.

KOR213 국어사 History of Korean Language

Students of this course will study the origin of the Korean language and the phonetic, morphologic, and diachronic characteristics of ancient, medieval, and modern Korean. They will also learn about the principles and formats of the changes that the Korean language has undergone.

KOR223 한국고전소설론 Study on Classical Korean Novels

In this course, students will merge their knowledge of classical novels with literary history to gain a comprehensive understanding of classical novels through analysis, criticism, and introspection. They will also learn the scope and development process of the classical novel as well as interpret/assess its relationship with the classical Chinese novel.

KOR216 외국어로서의 한국어 교육학 개론 An Introduction to Education of Korean as a Foreign Language

This course offers an overview of the many fields of Korean language education for students who wish to teach Korean to foreigners. Korea’s increasing visibility is resulting in more foreigners who are interested in learning Korea’s language and culture as well as Koreans who go overseas to work as Korean instructors. This course, based on Korean linguistic theory, covers the content and key current issues of teaching Korean as a foreign language in several theoretical fields: education on Korean pronunciation, education on Korean grammar, education on Korean vocabulary, and education on Korean culture. Students will also learn about the problems/obstacles of teaching Korean as a foreign language and potential solutions for such obstacles.

KOR233 현대문학사 History of Modern Korean Literature

This course surveys the history of Korean literature and identifies the point from which literature is classified as “modern.” Students will analyze works of modern writers as embodiments of their times, thus providing them with a concrete yet the overarching view of the history of modern Korean literature.

KOR414 의사소통의 이론과 실제 Theory and Practice of Communication

This course is for third-year Korean Language and Literature majors (or above) and teaches the principles and practical skills of communication. Graduates of this department are expected to have a higher level of skill in reading and writing than non-majors. This course uses the basic theories of pragmatic linguistics (Speech Act Theory, Theory of Conversational Implicature, and the Cooperation Principle) and basic theories of textual linguistics to provide a basic understanding of the principles and situational characteristics of communication. Students will also gain extensive practice in the many forms of speaking and writing that are frequently required in a professional or social context, equipping them with the skills they need to respond adeptly to a variety of situations post-graduation.

KOR324 드라마콘텐츠론 Study of Drama Contents

This course provides an overview of TV dramas. Students will learn, in detail, how the content of TV dramas, as well as content in “neighboring” genres such as computer games and scriptwriting, is formulated.

KOR235 한국현대소설작품론 Reading on Modern Korean Novels

This course explores the aesthetics (theme, plot, POV, characters, background, and writing style characteristics) of several modern Korean novel masterpieces and explains the significance of these works in the history of novels. Students will also learn widely about the patterns/aspects of modern Korean novels in the fields of history, sociology, and philosophy.

KOR212 중세국어강독 Reading on Middle Korean Language

Through early sources written in Hunminjeongeum, students will study various features of middle Korean, including methods of expression, writing system, phonemes, morphology, and syntax.

KOR322 구비문학론 Introduction to Korean Oral Literature

After an overview of the general characteristics, research methodologies, and investigative methods of Korean oral literature, students will gain a general understanding of its sub-genres, including minyo (folk songs), legends, shamanic songs, pansori, mask dance, and riddles.

KOR314 한국어 데이터의 이해 Understanding of Korean Data

This course aims to explore the Korean language from the standpoint of computational linguistics, which is an area of research that blends aspects of linguistics, computer science, and logic. Computational linguistics uses the computer’s ability to process massive amounts of data to automate tasks related to natural language. In other words, its goal is to process large amounts of linguistic data via computer to better understand particular linguistic phenomena. This course involves theoretical and practical learning of computational linguistics-based processing and analysis of the Korean language.

KOR338 현대시론 Study on Modern Korean Poetry

In this course, students will acquire the theoretical frameworks and techniques that are required to conduct concrete analyses of modern Korean poems. Students will broadly explore the characteristics and development of modern poetry.

KOR326 빅데이터와 문학텍스트 Big Data and Literary text

Literary texts are the quintessence of human culture and therefore an important resource that helps us understand humans, society, and culture. This course merges the characteristics of such texts with big data technologies to analyze a large number of literary texts. It helps students gain a deeper understanding of representative works of classical and modern Korean literature and ultimately aims to give students the ability to develop cultural content using literary texts. To achieve this goal, the course focuses on: criticism of Korean literature, understanding of the significance of big data in the history of civilization, creative thinking about the role of literature in the big data age, and the ability to manage and utilize big data.

KOR316 한국어 교수법 Methodologies of Teaching Korean

This course aims to equip students who wish to teach Korean to foreigners with the actual teaching methodologies they will need to use in the classroom. After surveying the theories and methodologies of teaching methods in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, students will learn how to respond to problems that arise in the field. They will learn the core theories of learner-centric, location-specific Korean language education and how to apply these theories to each linguistic area to effectively teach Korean.

KOR411 국어의미론 Korean Semantics

This course offers an overview of the systems and methodologies of semantics and uses this as the basis for in-depth exploration of the meanings of words, sentences, and inflections in modern Korean.

KOR3310 디지털 시대의 문화비평 Cultural Criticism of Digital Era

Students of this course will learn the basic principles of cultural criticism and use them for in-depth readings of actual critical texts. Students will also write critical papers on works in diverse genres, including literature, movies, TV dramas, and comics.

KOR325 한국고전시가작품론 Reading on Classical Korean Poetry

This course will be based on discussions between students and the instructor on works of classical Korean poetry selected for their literary value. The discussion will focus on the significance and values embodied by the works, which will be primarily works of sijo and gasa, two genres that represent the quintessence of classical Korean poetry.

KOR337 현대소설론 Study on Modern Korean Novels

To gain an informed understanding of modern Korean novels, students will study various aspects of selected works, such as the novel’s internal structure, the life of the author, and novel theory. Students will explore many areas of the history of the novel, from the point when modern novels began being written to the diachronic classification of sub-genres.

KOR3311 한국문학과 문화콘텐츠 Korean Literature and Cultural Contents

It is believed that education on Korean literature if made into cultural/artistic content, will increase the demand for such education. This course aims to explore how Korean literature is dramatized and the relationship between original works (Korean literature) and the movies based on them (cultural content). Through such explorations, students will learn about the potential of Korean literature to be turned into cultural content and conduct comparative analyses of novels and the movie scripts created based on them to enhance their ability to judge and utilize the content.

KOR402 국어교육론 Introduction to Korean Language Education

This course shows students how to didactically convert their knowledge of the Korean language and literature so that they can teach it to secondary school students. It is a survey course for those who are considering using their major to become a Korean language teacher.

KOR315 방언과 사회(캡스톤 디자인) Korean Dialect and Society(Capstone Design)

This course teaches the social value of dialects as a subject of research in the field of the history of Korean linguistics.

KOR436 한국문학과 영화 Korean Literature and Movie

We now live in the era of the image. Accordingly, this course will carry out a theoretical examination of the phenomenon in which literature is gradually being converted from written text to video images and review this process from the perspective of literature research. It also explores the similarities and differences between language and imagery to clarify the characteristics of literature and cinema and, ultimately, identify the most desirable ways for these genres to coexist.

KOR413 화법과 방송언어 Speech Method and Media Language

In this course, students will use pragmatic theory to understand the principles of communication and features of various communication-related situations. By practicing media writing and the many kinds of speaking that are used in social environments, students will gain the ability to speak and write with skill in any situation.

KOR333 현대시인론 Study on Modern Korean Poets

Students of this course will explore the historical circumstances and personal experiences that had significant impacts on the representative modern Korean poets who will be the subject of this course and how this affected their writings.

KOR339 감성텍스트와 표현 Creative Writing with Emotional Text

Students will analyze readers’ reading level and sentiment toward diverse forms of writing and learn how to express themselves through each of them. They will also use rhetoric, semiology, and psychoanalysis as basic tools for developing reading skills and humanities-geared thinking skills and understanding the emotional effect that a text can have on the reader.

KORC422 대중가요론 Theory of Korean Popular Poetry

This course will use everything from popular classical poetry to the latest popular songs to conduct a diachronic exploration and gain an understanding of the origin, history, and aesthetic traits of popular Korean poetry.

HUM31 1/2/3/4 인문인턴십1/2/3/4 Humanities Internship 1/2/3/4

This internship course helps students apply what they have learned in their major (language, culture, literature, etc.) to various settings (corporation, museum, art exhibition planning, festival, etc.), allowing them to gain high-quality, practical experiences related to their major.

HUM4113 산학협력전공실습2(캡스톤 디자인) Industry-Academia Project2(Capstone Design)

This is a practical course that aims to merge the demands of the industrial sector with what is taught in an academic setting. The course will be conducted as a series of tasks that are given to students under the joint instruction of Ajou University and the given company. Through this course, students will develop problem-solving skills by responding to problems that occur in the field while performing their tasks and gaining a better understanding of the relevant industry.

HUM4112 산학협력전공실습1(캡스톤 디자인) Industry-Academia Project1(Capstone Design)

This is a practical course that aims to merge the demands of the industrial sector with what is taught in an academic setting. The course will be conducted as a series of tasks that are given to students under the joint instruction of Ajou University and the given company. Through this course, students will develop problem-solving skills by responding to problems that occur in the field while performing their tasks and gaining a better understanding of the relevant industry.

HUM101 불어강독 Reading in French

This course aims to help humanities majors understand the French they come across in their studies as well as French literature, philosophy, history, and culture. Students will acquire a basic level of French proficiency and a general understanding of France.

HUM103 중국어강독 Reading in Chinese

Students of this course will improve their reading skills through in-depth readings of sophisticated modern Chinese texts. In particular, students will gain an overview of China through texts on China’s geography, history, politics, economy, society, and culture. They will also comparatively analyze the purpose and target readership of diverse texts to improve their ability to read and understand Chinese.

HUM104 한문강독 Reading in Classical Chinese Writing

Through readings of Classical Chinese texts, students will improve their knowledge of Classical Chinese grammar and the lifestyles and cultures of the Chinese cultural sphere. This course will make students much more aware of Classical Chinese, a foundational language of Korean and East Asian studies.

HUM105 일본어 강독 Reading in Japanese

This course will help students gain the ability to read Japanese texts at the level required for their major. They will first focus on reading for grammar and then move on to closer readings of academic texts in the humanities. Finally, students will practice summarizing Japanese books and writing article abstracts in humanities-related areas.

HUM106 문: 삶과 꿈 Life and Dream

This course will carry out in-depth readings of four classical works from the East and West (one from Korea, one from an East Asian country, and two from Western countries) that accurately explain the human condition and society while referencing the social background against which each work was written. Through these readings, students will explore the concepts of human existence, society, language, and art.

HUM201 해: 기호와 사유 Sign and Thought

Language is a defining trait of humans that differentiates them from other life forms. An understanding of language is also important because of the close relationship between language and thought, which gives us a better understanding of the essence of human thought processes. In this course, students will read several works of classical literature that deal with the subject of language, through which they will gain a better understanding of humans and our world.

HUM107 사: 시대와 정신 Age and Spirit

Through reading, asking questions about, and critically analyzing classical works on history from the East and West, this course covers the diverse ways in which we understand history, the meaning of history (and historical study), and the importance of a proper understanding of history per generation. Students will have the opportunity to explore the zeitgeist and characteristics of certain historical periods, through which they will develop the ability to discern trends and issues that pervade the past, present, and future worldwide.

CCMP108 컴퓨터와 인간 Computer and Human

This course focuses on giving students a good understanding of the concepts behind the computer’s “inner workings” as opposed to an overview of the ostensible outcomes/functions of computer technologies. It helps students use a computer science-based method of thinking as the basis for improving their flexibility in their area of major.

CCMP105 데이터 분석기초 Basic Data Analysis

In this course, students will learn how to use Excel, the most popular data processing tool for workplaces, and R, which is widely used as a statistical processing tool, to gain basic programming skills: namely, for basic data and statistical processing. The course aims to cultivate students’ ability to use tools rather than simply give them knowledge on statistics. Another important objective of this course is to give non-computer science majors who have no prior knowledge of programming a working knowledge of data analysis programming. Based on the data analytical programming skills (and understanding of this field) gained through this course, students will have a much easier time conducting meaningful data analyses in their selected major.

CCMP202 영어데이터분석기초 Analysis of English Data

This course aims to give students an understanding of the basic principles and methodologies of empirical analysis of English-language materials. To achieve this goal, students will learn how to use English corpus and its analytical tools and produce their own outcomes based on their experiences of English corpus analysis and its use for academic/practical purposes.

CAJ0114 아주희망 Ajou Dream

Students of this course will gain an understanding of educational content, activities, and career options related to their college/department, learn how to engage in self-directed learning, and plan how they will spend their years at Ajou University.

CAJ0113 아주인성 Ajou Virtues

This course encourages students to think about the virtues required of citizens living in a democracy, university graduate-leaders of our future, and, most importantly, Ajou-in (a member of the Ajou University family) and explores how such virtues can be applied to various aspects of our lives as well as the detrimental effects that such applications can cause. Students will have opportunities to discuss the value of sacrifice, thoughtfulness, tolerance, and empathy that are required in today’s era of globalization and multiculturalism. There will also be CPR practice sessions for students to fully experience what it means to prioritize human life.