Office for students with Disabilities


Office for Students with Disabilities

Welcome to the Office for students with Disabilities. In recognition of the increasing number of disabled students enrolled, Ajou University opened the Center in October 2009 with the aim of providing the systematic and active support that disabled students need to adapt well to life on campus.

Currently, the Center mainly provides the following services:

learning assistants, tutors, and other forms of learning-related services
Second, mobility-assistance services and conveniences
Third, support services to help students adapt to campus life

In addition to offering the above services to support the learning and mobility of students with disabilities, the Center works to continuously expand the range of services it provides to enhance students’ comfort and success across all aspects of life on campus. The Center is committed to breaking down barriers and promoting understanding and empathy through diverse activities and campaigns. It will always uphold everyone’s right to education.

Learning Support

Assistance with course registration

The Center helps students with disabilities apply and register for the courses they need/want to take each semester.Although students are required, in principle, to register for their courses on their own online, students with disabilities can apply for the Center’s help prior to the course registration period.

Learning Assistants

Learning Assistants are students who are appointed and trained to help disabled students with learning, mobility, and other various aspects of life on campus according to each individual’s specific disabilities. Students with disabilities who want paid Learning Assistants to help them take notes, move from class to class, and so forth may contact the Center at any time.


The Center’s tutoring program is intended to help students with disabilities do their best in the courses they are taking, particularly by preventing them from receiving academic probation, which disproportionately affects students with disabilities even though they work hard. With the help of tutors, students can avoid academic probation, continue their learning, and also maintain or improve their academic performance in ways that enhance their self-esteem.

Mobility Support

Ongoing surveys of on-campus amenities

The Center regularly surveys on-campus amenities in terms of how accessible they are to people with disabilities and how well they comply with legal and regulatory requirements. The goal of these surveys is to inform architects and the general public of the importance of making these amenities available and accessible to all as well as of the specific types of amenities that people with disabilities require.

Parking lots for people with disabilities

There are numerous parking spaces, designed wider than other spaces, to accommodate people with disabilities who use parking lots on campus.


Students with physical disabilities or blindness who have difficulty commuting to and from school every day are given priority in terms of assignment of rooms on the first floor of student dormitories.

Support for Life on Campus

Personal counseling

The Center operates a comprehensive counseling program through which it arranges learning-focused counseling sessions with individual students to survey their specific requirements, complaints, and feedback in order to improve the support that the Center provides. The Center also provides personal counseling to help students with disabilities improve their interpersonal relationships, social skills, and problem-solving skills.

Orientation sessions for newly admitted students

The Center organizes orientation sessions for newly admitted students with disabilities to inform them of available support and resources, and also provide them with tips on learning, the use of facilities and amenities, and other aspects of life on campus. These sessions are held in addition to the general orientation sessions organized by departments and student associations.

Roundtables with students

These roundtables are organized to allow disabled students to voice their opinions on the support and resources they need on campus so as to improve the Center’s policies and services.

Career counseling and support

The Center provides career counseling and support to help students with disabilities choose their majors, decide their career paths, and find fields of work that interest them.